Penyusunan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) Daring Teks Prosedur oleh Guru Kelas VII SMP Se-Kota Mataram Selama Pandemi Covid-19
The Drafting of The Online Lesson Plan (RPP) Procedure Text by The Teacher of Class VII Junior High School of Mataram During the Covid-19 Pandemic
RPP Daring, Teks Prosedur, Berbasis Teks, Online RPP, Procedure Text, Text BasedAbstract
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyusunan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) daring teks prosedur oleh guru kelas VII SMP se-Kota Mataram selama pandemi covid-19. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskripftif. Data-data yang diperoleh berupa implementasi tujuan, langkah-langkah bagian kegiatan inti, dan penilaian RPP daring teks prosedur di enam sekolah. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa RPP daring teks prosedur SMP Negeri 3 Mataram, SMP Negeri 4 Mataram, SMP Negeri 5 Mataram, SMP Negeri 9 Mataram, SMP Negeri 15 Mataram, dan SMP Negeri 21 Mataram telah disusun dan digunakan oleh guru kelas VII masing-masing sekolah dengan penerapan dua model RPP daring teks prosedur, yakni (1) model pembelajaran berbasis teks yang terintegrasi dengan keterampilan 4C dan literasi serta (2) model pembelajaran berbasis teks yang terintegrasi dengan pendekatan saintifik yang disusun dengan teori yang berlaku dan dengan format yang berbeda-beda (berdasarkan MGMP Kota Mataram, MGMP guru mata pelajaran di sekolah tersebut, dan kelompok guru CPNS mata pelajaran se-Kota Mataram).
Abstract: The research aims to know the drafting of the Planned Implementation of Learning (RPP) online text procedure by class teacher VII SMP of Mataram during the covid-19 pandemic. With the type of qualitative research, descriptive qualitative methods, data obtained from objective implementation forms, core activity measures, and RPP assessment of the online text procedure in six schools. Based on the results of research and discussion to answer how the preparation of the online Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) for procedure text by junior high school teachers throughout the city of Mataram during the covid-19 pandemic? Thus, it was found that the online lesson plans for the procedural texts of SMP Negeri 3 Mataram, SMP Negeri 4 Mataram, SMP Negeri 5 Mataram, SMP Negeri 9 Mataram, SMP Negeri 15 Mataram, and SMP Negeri 21 Mataram had been prepared and used by grade VII teachers of each school. with the application of two online lesson plans for procedural texts, namely (1) a text-based learning model that is integrated with 4C and literacy skills and (2) a text-based learning model that is integrated with a scientific approach, which is compiled with applicable theories, and in a different format (based on the MGMP of Mataram City, the MGMP of subject teachers at the school, and the group of CPNS teachers of subjects throughout the city of Mataram).
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